Posts Tagged 'Madison'

From Success to Stress

Happy rainy Tuesdayyyyy kids!

So yesterday’s interview went ok. Again, just waiting to see what the inbox presents me with this week and definitely don’t have a whole lotta wishful thinking going on. After it was over it was a little too late to go back to the office (err…at least in my eyes), so I scooted over to the gym. And I am sooo glad I did. It had been way too long since I had some quality cross training time, and I made sure to do some much-needed stretching and strength training. I’m definitely still not where I think I should be as far as those two areas are concerned, but it was nice to get a little taste again.

This morning had me jogging down CPW and to meet the RB at Columbus Circle, as her schedule had her closer to that neighborhood this morning. The run down to the circle was nice–it was misting, but nothing compared to Sunday’s wet, rainy run.

Unfortunately, by the time I met up with the RB, I had an annoying pain in my upper leg/hip and had to move pretty slow for the remainder of the run. We headed right back up West Drive toward our usually meeting point, where I peeled off toward home, leaving poor RB to finish out her run in the park solo. I wasn’t sure how my hip would hold out and didn’t want to risk being too far from home, but I ended up tacking on one extra mile in the blocks surrounding mi casa. The rain held off and it was great running weather. And all in all, I covered just about 7.4 miles. Respectable, yes. But I hate ending at odd increments! So wish I would have known to go the extra .10!

Anywho, today and tomorrow are looking to be crazy busy days at the office…which is a good thing in that I hateeee being bored at work, bad because I have sooooo many more important non-work related things I want to tackle before heading to Chicago/Madison on Thursday! Here’s hoping things get checked off of both very long to-do lists!

– Anyone familiar with Chicago/Madison who can recommend places to get my runnn on while there?

– Anyone familiar with Chicago/Madison who wants to start adding to the list of touristy must-see’s and must-do’s (though I don’t know exactly how much time we’ll have to see and do things outside of all of the fun wedding-related plans!)?


Oh, and can we talk for a brief moment how ridiculous it is that mens clothes are so much cheaper to get dry cleaned? I swear so many summer “dresses” have less material than a mens dress shirt, but they cost 483204 x’s more. Not cool, dry cleaners. Not cool at all.
